Health Benefits of CHOLEDUZ Omega Supreme (FISH OIL) Prevents heart disease, as well as coronary heart attack so also stroke. Quickens blood flow. As well as, reducing the risk for clots. Prevents plaque buildup in your arteries that can lead to heart disease Reduces LDL(bad) cholesterol levels and those pesky triglycerides. HDL(Good) cholesterol is positive...
Best for adults, Anti Aging, reverse diseases associated with aging, inflammation, prevent deafness, Rheumatism and Arthritis, look younger than your age, repairs DNA, Stroke, etc
Liven Alkaline Original Coffee: The World's First Alkaline Original Coffee-Ceuticals with lots of health benefits coming from a blend of 16,000 phytonutrients from 13 different types of plants. Liven Alkaline Coffee is high quality and highly regarded for its distinct taste and aroma because it is made of the finest class of Arabica Coffee beans, and fortifi...
ABOUT MYCHOCO MyChoco is the only chocolate served today that preserves the true richness of chocolate with the addition of great health benefits. MyChoco is added to hot or cold water or in hot drinks to give it a malted chocolate flavor and extra texture. When combined with cold water, it retains the gritty texture of its raw state When combined with hot w...