Time to reduce your expenses and save. No more buying of gas, kerosene, charcoals firewood or electricity for cooking! This portable Solar / Battery Powered Electric Cooker Stove is great for cooking at home or camping events. It is powered from battery or Solar Panel(s), and the battery can be either charged by Solar, NEPA/PHCN or generator set using a char...
Pestman Cockroach Gel Bait is our company's flagship product. It is a ready-to-use gel-type bait, mixed with insecticides and cockroach bait. It is very effective on eliminating both the nymphs and adults of German cockroach (Blatella germanica), Amercian cockroach (Periplaneta americana), Oriental cockroach (blatta orientalis), etc. It is a ready-to-use gel...
Made in Nigeria rubber plastic waste bin manufactured from high quality virgin plastic material designed to ensure stability and resistance to mechanical stresses. Key Features • Conical shape for ease of evacuation. • LAWMA Truck compatible for automated evacuation into the truck. • Fitted with 2 side handles to ensure safe and easy movement. • Mobile on 4 ...